Sustainable Fashion Habits for Travellers

Please take a moment to complete this quick 2-minute survey about your travel habits and how sustainability plays a role in your clothing choices.

Whether you're a seasonal traveller, studying abroad, a digital nomad, or an adventurous globe-trotter, we’re curious about how you manage the clothes you pack while travelling and whether making sustainable choices enhances your experience.

Your responses are anonymous and will be used for research only.

Thank you!

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What is your age group?
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What is your gender?
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Which region are you from?

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How frequently do you travel each year?
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On average, how long do your trips typically last?
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How do you usually choose your travel accommodation?
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What influences your clothing purchases the most?
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How many times do you wear an item of clothing before you consider it old or no longer wearable?
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Are you aware of the country of origin for most of your clothes?
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Do you purchase new clothes specifically for your travels?
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What are the biggest challenges you face when packing for a trip? (Select up to 3)
How often do you find yourself with clothes you no longer need during your travels?
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How do you dispose of clothes you no longer wear or have space for, both at home and while travelling?
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What would inspire you to embrace more sustainable travel habits? (Select all that apply)
What sustainable practices do you currently follow when travelling?
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Would you consider any of the following with your clothes while travelling?
What concerns would you have about sharing or exchanging clothes with other travellers?
Why would you consider giving away your clothes to other travellers? (Select all that apply)
How likely are you to use a service that offers innovative solutions to enhance your travel experience?
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