UA and ASU Omicron Surge/COVID Mitigation Complaint Form Spring 2022
As we head into the Spring semester at the University of Arizona and Arizona State University, there are many challenges that students, instructors, and staff are facing related to the mitigation of COVID-19. The communication and leadership of our administrations is lacking and puts many of our co-workers at risk. This form is to document the concerns/complaints that individual university workers are experiencing during the semester. Although our Union cannot guarantee that complaints and concerns are addressed, we will collect this information and work within our groups to try to address them. This form is confidential and we will never share your identity or information without your permission.

Examples of complaints might include the following:
Inability to change classroom modality for COVID-19 mitigation
Inconsistent decisions within departments regarding teaching modalities (e.g., faculty allowed but not graduate students)
Failure to enforce masking in your work space
Employees unable to get KN95 mask
Building or room air-conditioning/heating system not working
Lack of access to UA antigen or PCR test
Harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or lack of reasonable accommodations relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act ( violations

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Please describe your complaint below. Please include as much information as possible, including date and time of incident, location of incident, and other relevant information.
What University are you at?
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What department and college are you in?
Are you a United Campus Workers of Arizona union member?
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Please provide your name and email. If you'd like to remain anonymous, please leave blank.
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