Prepositions - 15
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
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1. There are some apples ____ that box.
1 point
2. She keeps her ornaments ____ a safe.
1 point
3. I met her ____ the club.
1 point
4. There were some books ____ the table.
1 point
5. It is very hot ____ the center of the earth.
1 point
6. She lives ____ a large city abroad.
1 point
7. She wrote her address ____ the envelope.
1 point
8. They live ____ a small salary.
1 point
9. Cows feed ____ grass.
1 point
10. She showed no interest ____ my work.
1 point
11. Put your laptop ____ that table.
1 point
12. She is ____ her room.
1 point
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