SwimSafer Townhall Engagement Feedback Form
Thank you for participating in the coaches' engagement from May 13th to May 14th! We value your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on the presentation. Please take a few minutes to complete this form, which will help us understand your thoughts, concerns, address any challenges you faced, and create a comprehensive FAQ section for reference. Your input is greatly appreciated!
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SwimSafer Townhall Engagement Summary


Transition System (Temporary)

  • SwimSafer Assessment Registration | Theory Quiz | Assessor Grading
Integrated System (Q2 2025)
  • Integrated System with centralized assessment system to enhance the experience of learners and ensure that they are safe in, on and around the water and to swim well
In 2024, we will explore the following:
  • Partner SAQ to design and provide a comprehensive suite of courses available for instructors and assessors to upskill themselves as part of CCE

  • Implement a transition system to enable the selection of qualified assessors for assessments and explore ways to simplify the instructor-assessor matching process.

  • Conduct more independent checks and audits on assessments to provide feedback to further improve the instruction of SwimSafer

  • Kickstart a public education campaign on SwimSafer to better inform and involve parents as a partner in supporting their child’s progress in SwimSafer.  
With Reference to the SwimSafer 2.0 transition system implementation timeline with effect from 1 Jul 2024, do you have any questions based on the information? *
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Any Feedback on the above information?
SwimSafer Townhall Engagement Summary

Singapore Aquatics

  • A comprehensive program to enhance swimming education and coaching, with coaching pathways, including SwimSafer instructor courses and coaching specializations. (Found in infographic)

  • Continuous learning and monthly workshops for coaches' professional and personal development to earn their CCE hours.

  • Holistic learn-to-swim program found in our Learn to Swim Framework – Full Ecosystem (Found in infographic), which focus on inclusivity and accessibility, with programs tailored for various age groups and abilities. The program also includes specific skills training for different aquatic sports like open water swimming, artistic swimming, diving, and water polo.

  • Introduction of Centralized SwimSafer assessment centers to ensure standardization, efficiency, and integrity.

  • Timeline of the upcoming events (Found in infographic).

  • Membership renewal (June 2024) - $20 discount code Untitled title
Having reviewed the infographic from the SwimSafer Townhall Engagement held May 13th - 14th, do you have any questions based on the information? *
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Any Feedback on the above information?
Having reviewed the infographic from the SwimSafer Townhall Engagement held May 13th - 14th, do you have any questions based on the information? *
Additional feedback or questions
Any Feedback on the above information?
I wish to participate in focus groups discussion or polls on SwimSafer Centralised Assessment Centres *
I am a *
Name of School/Club *
I hereby declare that the information given by me on this form is true and correct.
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