Goodbye Lunch Connection 5/6/19
It's time to say 'goodbye.' Goodbye to this semester. Goodbye to our graduates. But, especially, goodbye to our time of having classes at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church. On Monday, May 6, we plan to say 'goodbye' with an extra special Lunch Connection featuring Jay McSwain of PLACE Ministries. You won't want to miss this time of being together, being inspired, and being fed! We'll be serving each pre-registered participant a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich along with other lunch essentials like chips, cookies, and beverage. Plan now to  join us at 11:45 a.m. in the Magnolia Room at JFBC. Please sign up below so that I can know how many of you to plan for ... which I hope is a bunch! For more info, email Dr. Jackson at
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