Content Creator Partner Program Sign-Up
If you'd like to make content related to our game or stream it, fill out this form. In the future, when we have content creator/streaming events, we will contact you.
E-mail *
What is your Discord username? (ex: Username) *
On which platform do you primarily create content?
What is your channel's name? *
What is your channel's link? *
What is your channel's language? *
What is your email address (for channel verification purposes)? *
Please provide the email listed on your channel if possible for verification and we will give you a special content creator role on our Discord. Join our Discord here:
How many followers does your channel have? *
What is your average view count for your last 3 videos/posts? *
If you're a Twitch streamer, you can also put the average live viewers for your last 3 livestreams
Anything else you would like to tell us?
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