Dr. Rowe's Fall 2023 Schedule
I need your input!  I would like to be able to serve the needs of the families, so I would love to hear what you would like me to teach next year.  If the class you are looking for is not listed here, please feel free to offer a suggestion.  I will try to accommodate as many classes as I am able!  Thank you and I appreciate your feedback.
P.S. Filling out this form does not obligate you in any way to sign up for classes. 
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Name *
Email *
IN-PERSON CLASSES Read the course descriptions below and select the classes you/(your kiddo) would be interested in taking.  *
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VIRTUAL CLASSES-Some academic classes described above could be offered in virtual format.  If you are interested in a virtual class format (in real time), select from the options below.  *
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Other suggestions? Please use the space below to offer any comments, suggestions, or questions.  I value your feedback!   *
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