DTG sprint 2 feedback
give me feedback for my new better version of my game
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How was the overall experience? *
Rate the game out of 1 - 5 *
What do you think of the new game art? *
What are your thoughts on me adding new difficulties (normal , easy and colorblind) and if I were to add others what difficulties should I add? *
Do you think the system of setting your own goal via the options screen was a good idea or should I change it. If so how should I change it? *
What score did you get? *
Would you come back to this game when it is done? *
Overall feedback for the game *
Did you find any bugs or glitches in the game? *
What should I add / change before the next sprint to improve the game *
I have also got another feedback form in the comments about a new hub world idea. It would be great help if you fill that one in too
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