Mystics Application
Please fill out all questions to join the Mystics!
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Current Account Name? *
Original character name? *
Face claim? *
Personality traits? (Please give at least three positive and three negative) *
Do you understand the biography you’ve written or aspects of your application may not fit to the species and that may require you to alter the bio after feedback? *
Which class of Mystic are you? *
If a Thaumaturge or Warlock what is your Line of Mystichood (If a Sorceri just state that in the answer below). *
Biography (Please provide at least three paragraphs with as much detail as possible. If you have questions, contact Clarice De Biville.) *
How would you prefer members to contact you to plot for your threads? *
Which of these forms would you prefer to roleplay on? (Please choose at least two) *
Which is your preferred time era? (Please select at least one) *
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