RSVP: 2023 Lenten Day of Reflection
"Lord, Have Mery: Making Jesus Present through Reconciliation and Accompaniment." 
2023 Lent Day of Reflection 
for IVC Baltimore & IVC National Capital Area Regions
Monday, March 13th, 10:00AM - 6:00PM 
Claggett Retreat Center, Adamstown Maryland

All IVC Service Corps Members are asked to RSVP via this form- whether you are able to join us or not. Please fill out ONE form per participant. Spouses and partners are asked to respond separately. You will immediately receive a copy of this form directly to your email inbox. 

Thank you,

Elaine, Nora, and Mike

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Your Name: *
IVC Region *
Lunch & Dinner preferences:
Lunch and dinner are offered via buffet— so dietary restrictions can be accommodated via personal selection. We are asking for a $50 donation to defer the cost of the retreat. Thank you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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