3. 4D HIFU Post-Treatment Information
HIFU Aftercare Checklist
It is important for Clients  who have undergone HIFU skin treatment to understand how to care for their Face/bodies Before and After the treatment in order to prevent complications and side effects that can minimize the gains of the treatment.
This is especially so because it will help to increase the chances of success. It is completely normal for the treated area to feel a bit tender, slightly swollen and flushed or hot to touch. To help ease these minor side effects, treat the area in the following way:

1. Do not apply an ice pack as this can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

2. Avoid The Sun.
After the HIFU skin treatment, it is important for you to try to prevent yourself from exposure to sunlight and cold for a few weeks. The reason is that avoiding the sun will help to prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage.
The use of sunblock cream is also encouraged, as this will help to prevent destructive ultraviolet light from the sun from directly touching the skin.
This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.
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3. Take A Break From Alcohol
Stop giving your liver excess work. Drinking alcohol should be avoided after the treatment. Alcohol makes your liver to do extra work. After the treatment procedure, your liver will be tasked with breaking down the deactivated fat. Consuming alcohol means that the liver now has to break down alcohol in addition to the deactivated fat.

4. Don't Scratch Your Skin
As sweet as scratching the Face/body may be when itching, it is advisable not to scratch your skin after a treatment.  At this time, your skin will be very sensitive, and scratching it puts you at the risk of skin damage. If you have scars, you are also advised to allow them to fall off naturally. Trying to remove them may lead to a large wound, which may lead to infection. Avoid scratching your skin after you must have had your treatment done.

5. Drink More Water
As they say, water is life. So after the HIFU treatment procedure, water should be your favorite drink. Water must come first before other beverages that you consume.
Water will also help in your recovery by increasing the rate at which collagen is produced in the body. It's in your best interest to keep your body hydrated, so drink as much water as possible.

6. Don't Have Hot Showers or Baths
When taking your bath, use cold water as this will help keep the natural protective oil on your skin and also prevent skin irritation. If at all you must use hot water, you are better of using lukewarm water as this will facilitate the quick recovery of your skin. Always avoid hot showers regardless of your preference before now. At least until 7 days
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