Application for Harinam Initiation (First Initiation)
This form is to be used to apply for First Initiation to the management of the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding in Chatsworth, Durban.

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Firstname/s *
Surname/s *
Date of Birth *
email address
(Leave blank if you do not have an email address)
Phone 1 *
Provide your main contact number
Phone 2
Provide an alternate contact number. Leave blank if not applicable.
Age *
In years
Temple *
Please confirm that you are applying to the management of the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple in Chatsworth. Select YES or NO.
Address *
Please write down your full address
Chanting *
For how many years/months have you been chanting 16 rounds of the maha-mantra? E.g. 2 years and 3 months
Spiritual Master *
Which spiritual master would you like to take initiation from?
Shelter *
For how many years/months have you been taking shelter from your spiritual master? E.g. 1 year and 5 months
Principles *
Are you currently observing the 4 regulative principles (no meat-eating, including chicken, fish and eggs;  no intoxication; no gambling and no illicit sex). Select YES/NO from the drop-down box.
Mentor Name
Provide the name of your mentor if you have one (or else leave blank)
Mentor Contact
Provide the contact number for your mentor, if you have one (or else leave blank).
Referee Name
Provide the name of any devotee other than your mentor, under whom you are rendering some service (or else leave blank)
Referee Contact
Provide the contact number for your referee under whom you are rendering service if you have one (or else leave blank)
Courses completed *
Which of the following courses have you completed?
Choice of Spiritual Master *
Please write a short account on why you chose your particular spiritual master as your diksha guru?
Spiritual Practice *
Please write a short account on your spiritual practice
Service rendered *
Please write a short account on any service/s that you are currently involved in
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