2025 Project Leader Application
Love Oakdale couldn't happen without our project leaders!

Each project that will be completed during our City-Wide Volunteer Day needs a project leader willing to ensure the best outcome. If applicable, project leaders visit the project site prior to the service day, make sure the necessary equipment or materials are obtained, recruit volunteers for their project, and communicate with their team prior to the event. 

Project leaders must attend a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, April 16th at 6:30 p.m. hosted at Belmare Senior Living (1450 West F Street in Oakdale) and gather before the Kick-Off on April 26th at 7:15 a.m. Please make sure you are available these times before applying.  

Finally, please make sure you have an account created on our website. This will allow us to assign you as a project leader and give you access to volunteer contact information for your project. If you already have an account, make sure you are able to login so you will have access to your project. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Phone number  *
Email address *
Unisex T-shirt Size *
Do you have a Project Leader T-shirt from last year that you could use again this year? *
What type of project would you like to lead? This isn't a guarantee but we'll try! *
Any notes you'd like to include? Are you a leader from a community organization or church? 

Please include that information and anything else you'd like to share here. 
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