Zaxar Foreign Relations
Relations to The Empire of Greater Zaxar, its economy, peoples, government, and interests.

Find info on Zaxar here:
and here:

Note: Aurelian League is not yet cannon at the time of making this but planning info can be found here:
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Nation Name *
Will your nation be in the AL upon its founding? *
Zaxar 05/03/2022 Borders
How does your government view Zaxar? (0=neutral, 3=full ally, -3=war/very hostile) *
Reason for above listing
How do your people view Zaxar? (0=neutral, 3=kin, -3=scum of the Eurth) *
Reason for above listing
Is your nation currently connected to Zaxar in any way? (check all that apply) *
Would your nation like to be connected to Zaxar sometime in the future? (check all that apply) *
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