Solar Power System Design & Installation Course  
📌 About

The Renewable Energy Technology Institute is working on two focal areas:
  1. Prepare a skilled workforce that will be employed by renewable energy companies.
      2. Equip entrepreneurs who will drive the solar energy market through their own businesses.

This training will go through detailed instruction on solar PV design, electrification, backup systems, inverters and basics of starting your own solar business. From energy auditing to energy management/efficiency, system design, applications and implementations including installation.
Practical and  Theoretical sessions all inclusive and simplified for easy learning.

As a RETTI trained alumni, you will receive opportunities for mentorship and networking with solar professionals.

📌Duration - 1 month

Week 1 - in Person Training

Week 2 - Online Solar Entrepreneurship Training with Separate Certificate (from the RETTI Virtual University)

Week 3 - Supervised Projects

Week 4 - Internships Enrollments

📌What you will LEARN:

-How to design and install solar panels for home and for commercial use 

-How to calculate Solar Array / solar system size for residential or commercial use 

-Learn the smart hack to select inverters and battery

-Identify data required to size and design  a grid-direct PV system 

-How to choose your target market for profit 

-Solar Safety, Maintenance and troubleshooting 

-Be equipped with knowledge on solar modules, optimizers (DC/AC converters ) junction boxes, inverters, solar meters and protective devices

-Define & list characteristics of series and parallel circuits & review the application of these connections to ensure system compatibility

Click this link to see FULL COURSE CURRICULUM:

📌 Training Fees 

Early bird: NGN 150, 000 (applicable 7 days before the selected training date)

Late payment: NGN 180, 000 (applicable if your pay two days before the training date you selected or on the training date)

📌 Venue

RETTI Energy Center, Plot 40, Chief Saula Ndakolo Street, Off Mobil Road, Alaguntan, After VGC Ikota Lekki. Take the turning by the right After VGC before the Ajah bridge.

📌 Hotel Recommendations (Near the Training Center)

1) KDT Hotel, Mobil Road, After VGC, Lagos. (15k, 25k)

2) Jonite Hotel, Off Moba Road, Moba. (15k, 25k) - Recommended, best for comfort)

3) Barcadi Hotel, Alaguntan (10k, 15k) - smaller rooms, a walk to a training center)

📌 Our contact details: 

CALL 07018833484 for more information.


📌 Items for Sale which you Need in Your New Solar Business

👉 Engineering coveralls 👷🏾‍♂️ and helmets ⛑️ available for sale.

👉 Solar Entrepreneurship Handbook (How to Make Money from Solar) Available for sale.

👉Engineering toolbox 🧰 available for sale 

📌What happens after your training:

- You go through an internship program where you will join all the experts to go to installation sites and deepen your knowledge

- We will recommend special contacts, importers from China where you can buy affordable products to maximise your revenue for installations.

- You are inducted for free into our alumni support group where you get the chance to join high level Solar projects

- You join the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria - with whom we have a special partnership for all RETTI Alumni to join the group at over 70% discounted fee.

📌Click this link to see our other Programs designed to Equip your Success:

📌 Read TESTIMONIALS from our alumni HERE (What has happened to him since training):


Participants join our alumni support group and qualify to benefit  from our Growth Support Plan Initiative for further mentorship and access to opportunities.

PAYMENT (Pay here: 1396149287 Access Bank) 
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Please pay to Renewable Energy Technology Training Institute (RETTI) 
Bank Account Number: 1396149287 ACCESS BANK. After payment payment, please text ''Registered'' and your name to 07018833484 via text message. For more info call 07018833484.
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