Year 10 Parent/Carers - Careers Education Questionnaire
Here at Walton-le-Dale we want to prepare young people for working life and equip them with the tools to make well informed and ambitious career decisions. Together we can achieve this by ensuring young people are aware of: their skills, abilities and potential; their options, the world of work and how to take advantage of opportunities; how to link this knowledge and understanding together to facilitate successful career planning.

To support us in this we would like to hear your thoughts through this anonymous questionnaire

thank you in advance for your time

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What gender does your son/daughter identify with?
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Are you are aware of our Careers Programme? (You can find a copy here on our website -
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Do you feel your son/daughter has high aspirations about their future career prospects? *
Are you confident that your son/daughter knows their own skills, interests and achievements and could explain these to someone. *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Are you confident that your son/daughter can research information about opportunities and the employment market.   *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Do you feel your son/daughter has a good understanding of the options available to them when they leave school. *
Are you confident that your son/daughter can match their skills and interests with opportunities that are available. *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Are you confident that your son/daughter can make informed decisions about their future career. *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Are you confident that your son/daughter has developed employability skills which will help them in the future.   *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Does your son/daughter know where to go in school for careers advice *
Do you feel your son/daughter has the right amount of careers educational input from school. *
Are you aware of how to get support from school for your son/daughter about careers advice. *
Do you have any ideas to help us improve our careers programme? Anything you think we need to consider?
Is there anything you feel we do well with regards to our careers programme in school?
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