Arvalileth Commissions

═══⊹ ⊱ Welcome ⊰ ⊹═══

First of all, thank you very much for your interest in my art!

Please be patient if by any chance I take a while to respond. You can usually expect a response within one or two days. I will ask you more about the subject and collect all the visual references possible when I get in contact with you.

I usually accept payments in two parts, the first half is to be made before I start the commission as a deposit. The second half would be when the painting is finished, before the delivery.  A commission can take between a week and a month depending on the complexity. When I accept your order, I will send you a link to my tracking board.

There you can monitor the progress of the artwork or your current place in the waiting list, if I happen to be out of slots. 

You can get priority on the waiting list if you make full payment in advance.

The payment method is PayPal or Ko-fi. The delivery of all images is done through a link to Google Drive where you can download the images in full size. 

If you have any privacy requests (maybe the piece is a birthday gift for a special someone), let me know about it and I will keep everything related to that commission secret until a later date ^^

Terms of Service
  • I do not grant permission to use my art for any data set training purposes, NFT creation or other fraudulent matters.
  • I own the right to refuse any commission if I don't feel comfortable with it or believe myself to be incapable of executing it properly.
  •  I don't  provide files such as .psd  or .clip, unless there are special circumstances due to the nature of the commission.
  • Edits during the sketching phase are free. Any changes after the coloring process is done will be considered at my discretion. I'm reasonable, if it's something small it can be fixed.  
  • No refunds are made.

Copyright and Privacy

For personal use only. You are free to post and share the art at any time as long as you credit the artist  and no profit is being made with it.

By requesting the services you accept that your commission will be public (and maybe some of the project references). This includes sharing the creation process in diferent social media or during livestreams on Twitch

I maintain my right to publish all commissioned content on my social media to promote my work. 

Editing the artwork is not allowed without permission.

For commercial use purposes please send an e-mail to:

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Your contact Info
What's your name? *
Your contact E-mail or social media prefered to communicate.
(Make sure you can recieve DMs)
Commission Details

This is a brief overview of your commission to help me manage the workload and give you an estimated time of delivery.
Number of Characters:
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Commission Type:
Monochrome shading
Full color
Half body
Full body
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Alternative versions/outfits
Pets, weapons,vehicles
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Is there a delivery deadline for this piece?
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You're done! Thank you for requesting my services!

Just hit the submit botton bellow

I will contact you as soon as possible to adjust details and assign you a place on the queue ^^

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