Advanced uses of "都 (dōu)" and "还 (hái)" - B2 Grammar
都 (dōu) can mean "to the point that" and "since..., then...". It can also add a tone of complaint. 还 (hái) can express a tone of surprise or sarcasm. It can also be used in a rhetorical question.
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How do you say "I can even tell what his reaction will be" in Chinese?
1 point
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What is a good translation of the following sentence? - "来都来了,就好好玩吧。"
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What is the speaker saying? -"都是你,害我今早迟到了。"
1 point
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Which sentence has a different meaning than the rest?
1 point
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Which sentence contains an incorrect use of "都"?
1 point
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How do you say "It's all your fault, yet you are the one who's mad" in Chinese?
1 point
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Which sentence uses “还” to express a tone of sarcasm?
1 point
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Chenge the following statement into a rhetorical question containing "还". - "外面雨那么大,你不要出门了。”
1 point
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What does the following sentence indicate? -"她那么有钱,还在乎这点钱吗?"
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Which sentence is in the right order?
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