Yes-no questions with 吗 (ma) - HSK 1 Grammar
The question particle 吗 (ma) is a simple way to form questions in Chinese. By placing 吗 (ma) on the end of a statement, you convert it into a yes/no question (questions that could be answered with "yes" or "no" in English).
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Which following sentence is grammatically correct? *
2 points
Which following sentence is grammatically correct? *
2 points
Which following sentence is grammatically correct? *
2 points
你 喜欢 咖啡 吗 ?Nǐ xǐhuan kāfēi ma? *
2 points
他 在 你们 学校 学 中文 吗 ?Tā zài nǐmen xuéxiào xué Zhōngwén ma?
2 points
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