Confidential Financial Assistance Application
SRYBA has limited funds available for situations involving financial hardship, and applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. To be considered for SRYBA financial assistance, an application form must be submitted along with a detailed explanation for seeking assistance. All financial assistance awarded will be confidential, and all personal information will be kept confidential.

If approved by SRYBA Board, a player may receive a discounted registration fee.
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Parent Name(s): *
Your email address: *
Telephone Number: *
Home Address: *
Player Name(s): *
Player(s) Birthday (__/__/____) and current grade in school: *
Program you are seeking financial assistance for: *
Amount of aid requested: *
Reason For Request:
Please provide details of why you are requesting this aid.
I acknowledge that the information contained on this application is accurate and correct. I hereby give permission to SRYBA to verify this information. I understand that if any information on this application is found incorrect, my privilege of applying to financial assistance may be revoked.
I understand that Parents of players who receive financial assistance will be asked to commit to volunteer time to SRYBA to demonstrate their support of the program.
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