♥  ~ Help Me Make Patreon Exclusives!!
Hey guys! ♥
I thought it would be fun to let you choose the tags for me, that I can make an improv audio with!
I wanted you guys to be apart of the making of the audio ♥

Bestiality, Age play, Raceplay, No bodily fluids (with the exception of cum and spit), Violent rape (non-con is ok), snuff, anal and feet play.
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Sex acts/ sex positions: *
Where to finish? ;) *
Is there any of my exclusives that you'd like to see a sequel to? Then please tell me which one  👀
If you have specific tags you'd like to see together in the same audio, please leave them here! (like... [Friends to lovers] [confession] [blowjob] [hold the moan] etc)
Do you have any comments, notes or specific scenarios that you want me to do? 💋
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