Sony Music x A&R Academy Launch Event Panel Questions

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Sony Music to kick off the Sony Music A&R Academy, a program designed to support and develop aspiring A&R professionals.

The Academy will offer a paid, 12-month internship at one of Sony Music's UK labels, RCA, Columbia, Since '93, Black Butter, or Dream Life Records. Interns will work closely with the A&R team, gaining hands-on experience in all aspects of A&R, from scouting and signing new artists to developing and releasing their music. They will also receive bespoke training on a wide range of topics, including music rights, data, music trends, studio and mixing sessions, artist development, and more.

In addition to their on-the-job training, interns will also have the opportunity to attend regular Spotlight Sessions, where they will learn from industry experts and gain insights into the latest trends and developments in the music industry.

To celebrate the launch of the Sony Music A&R Academy 2023, and Sony Music are hosting a special event at the Sony London Offices on 8th November. The event will feature a panel discussion with three A&R industry professionals and live music.

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