IABC NSW Member Mastermind Circles - Expression of Interest
We're thrilled you're interested in joining the IABC NSW Member Mastermind Circles program.

We know from our member research that one of the reasons you joined IABC is for peer-to-peer learning and that's the primary purpose of this program. Mastermind Circles serve as a peer-advisory group, a space for sharing, learning, development, discussion, problem-solving, goal-setting, accountability, brainstorming and thought-leadership.

To help us allocate peers with peers, whilst still ensuring diversity amongst the Circles, please answer the questions below.

Thanks for taking part,
your IABC NSW Board
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Adreça electrònica *
1. How long have you been an IABC NSW member? *
2. Which stage of your career are you currently in? (If you’re unsure, refer to the IABC Career Centre for core competencies at each stage) *
3. What industry do you predominantly work in or with? *
4. What best describes the focus of your role / your areas of expertise? (select all that apply) *
5. Does your role involve working with international colleagues, clients and/or stakeholders? *
6. What’s the biggest challenge, obstacle, or pain point you face in your role/career at the moment? *
7. What value do you hope to get from joining a Member Mastermind Circle? *
8. Are you willing and able to commit to a 1-hour session per month for a minimum of 3 months, plus any prep and/or follow up time? *
9. Do you have a preference for location? *
10. Any other information we should be aware of, or any questions you have?
11. For previous participants only: Would you like to continue with your same Circle, or be allocated to a new Circle?
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12. For previous participants only: The NSW Board is looking for previous program participants to help set up and take the lead on some Circles. In much the same way as your Board member did with your Circle, you would simply act as an 'experienced' member of the Circle for people to direct questions to. You would coordinate and facilitate the first session and then help guide others through the same process for subsequent sessions if/as needed. As someone who has already been involved in the program, would you be interested in leading a Circle?
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13. Please enter contact information so we can allocate you to a circle. Please include the following: name, company, role, email address, phone number. *
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