+ The Queer Comics Collection - Story Curation
For my senior thesis exhibition project at the University of Minnesota, I am curating short personal LGBTQA stories to turn into short 2-3 page comic ideas which I will be illustrating as part of a larger anthology. Because I am not a gay man, asexual, a queer person of color (and so on), I have elected to collect and find inspiration from stories people are willing to share online through this survey in order to find content.

This project will be displayed publically on the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus as part of the fall 2019 senior graphic design.

Because this is student work I am not able to pay you for providing your stories but I can send you a PDF of the final comic series, and if you are in the Minneapolis area I can provide details for the exhibition show if you are interested in seeing it in person.

I will not be profiting off of this work! You might help me get a job but that is all :^)
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