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Distributor Form 2022-2023
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Full Name
Your answer
Email address
Your answer
Business Name (Legal Entity)
Your answer
Business # or Tax #
Your answer
Full Address of Business
Your answer
Languages Spoken/Written
Your answer
Financial Capacity
Your answer
Current Surf Industry Relationships
Your answer
Future Surf Industry Relationships
Your answer
Outline your surfing level and/or experience
Your answer
Outline your experience in logistics
Your answer
Do you import other products?
Your answer
Estimate your wholesale and RRP
Your answer
Outline your top 5 Marketing initiatives in 2021-2022
Your answer
The number of Retail shops in 2021-2022
Your answer
Staff knowledge of SmoothStar selling
Your answer
Staff riding SmoothStar
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How many surf coach contracts
Your answer
How many team rider contracts
Your answer
SmoothStar Top 5 selling points
Your answer
SmoothStar Top 3 negative selling points
Your answer
Estimated sales in 2021-2022
Your answer
SmoothStar estimate % market share
Your answer
How can SmoothStar International help you more?
Your answer
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