Barrington Public Schools Partners in Learning       
 Thank you for your interest in being a BPS Partner in Learning!
Parent and community involvement has always been a cornerstone of Barrington schools and these partnerships can be essential for helping students achieve at their maximum potential.
Please note: Presenters/speakers (in person or virtual) are considered visitors and do not require a BCI. If you are working with students directly, you need a BCI on file with the BPS Volunteer Office and will also need to follow BPS volunteer protocols.

If you have any questions, please contact:  
BPS Volunteer Coordinator, Anita DiMatteo,

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Last Name
First Name *
Address *
Phone Numbers *
Email Address *
Check all Schools where you would like to be a partner in learning. *
Please list your career, interests, skills and/or hobbies. *
Please share any possible opportunities through companies or organizations for internships, field trips, short-term projects that could be student-led, or community service projects for students
Are you willing to be included in our Barrington Public Schools Partners in Learning Data Base. This will connect you with teachers and students engaging in things such as senior project, guest speaker opportunities, project based learning and experiential learning, career days, etc. *
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