Lesbian Elders Oral Herstory Project Sign Up
Supported by a two-year Mellon-funded Community Archives grant, we are creating The Lesbian Elders Oral Herstory Project which seeks to continue the Lesbian Herstory Archives’ commitment to collecting and sharing all Lesbian stories.  These oral histories of Lesbian Elders will offer experiential insight into the history of Lesbian culture and activism, complementing LHA's already rich collection. For a unifying theme we would like if you could share your experiences with LHA as part of your life history. For the purposes of this project, Elders includes those ages 60 and up. The oral histories will be made available either online or on-site only at the Archives. If you would like to try your hand at both interviewing and being interviewed, please fill out the survey twice.

Please visit our FAQ page to learn more: https://lesbianeldersoralherstoryproject.com/lesbian-elders-oral-herstory-project-faq/
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Full Name *
Pronouns (she/her, they/them, etc.)
Phone Number
Email Address *
Where are you located? *
I am interested in being an *
Tell us a little bit about why you are interested in participating in this project *
Please select your preferred interview method *
Today's Date *
Thank you for taking the time to fill this survey out! We will contact you for scheduling an informational session.
Lesbian Herstory Archives ("LHA")/LHEF, Inc.484 14th Street Brooklyn, New York 11215. LHEF, Inc. seeks material from all lesbians. Access to collections is granted without regard to academic, sexual, or political credentials.
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