2024 First Friday Vendor Submission Form
First Fridays are held on the first Friday of each month in season. The dates available for sign up are: June 7th,  July 5th, and September 6th. All First Friday events are 6pm-9pm on their respective dates. Informational booths are considered "vendors" and must pay the setup fee. We do not allow political organizations, or candidates to set up. The setup fee for each First Friday event is $10 for vendors- we will be checking payment status prior to each event. Nonprofit organizations will not pay a set up fee, as long as they provide proof of Nonprofit status. All vendors are responsible for obtaining a business license or temporary vendor's permit through the City of Ashland. All vendors must be ready to show permits/licenses, if requested. Set up will be on a first come, first served basis unless otherwise specified by Visit AKY. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Carly Thomas, carly.thomas@visitaky.com, 606-547-2999.
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Please leave your name below. *
Please leave your phone number below. *
Please leave your email address below. *
Please leave your business name below.  *
If you have social media information, please leave that below. This is so we can easily access your business information/photos and promote you. 
Which category best describes your business/organization? *
Which dates are you interested in setting up? *
Please type "yes" if you understand, if entertainment type "N/A" : 
This year we will be implementing a "2-strike" rule for vendors. This means that if you no-show or do not reply to our confirmation messages two (2) times, you will not be allowed to set up with us for the remainder of the year.
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