瑜伽冥想入門 Gentle Intro to Evening Yoga 

Date 日期:October 7-8; 5-6 p.m.
Location 地點:Markham Museum 萬錦博物館 (吹雞之『市.集』Assembly Market)
Fee 費用:Free 免費
Language 語言:廣東話
bring your mat, towel & water bottle. See you then!

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你的全名 Your Full Name *
你的電郵地址 Your Email
你的電話號碼 Your Phone Number
你要報名哪一班?Preferred Class (October 7 or 8, or both)
Please select your yoga practice level
Do you have any specific medical conditions and injuries that I should be aware of?
(This information is only for class planning, and will be kept confidential.)




我自願參加Shun Yat Fung(Sharon)提供的戶外瑜伽課程。



我免除Shun Yat Fung(Sharon)對於我參加瑜伽課程而產生的任何責任,索賠,要求,訴訟或訴因的責任。



我授權Shun Yat Fung(Sharon)使用在課程期間拍攝的任何照片或視頻用於宣傳目的。


By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the waiver form below:

Yoga Class Waiver and Release of Liability

I, acknowledge and agree to the following:

I voluntarily participate in the outdoor yoga class offered by Shun Yat Fung (Sharon).

I understand that yoga classes may include physical activity, and I am fully responsible for my own physical well-being during the class.

I am aware that yoga involves physical exertion, and I certify that I am physically fit and capable of participating in this class.

I release Shun Yat Fung (Sharon) from any liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of my participation in the yoga class.

I understand that there may be inherent risks associated with outdoor activities, and I assume all risks and responsibilities for any injuries or illnesses that may occur as a result of my participation.

I agree to follow all instructions given by the instructor for my safety and the safety of others during the class.

I grant Shun Yat Fung (Sharon) permission to use any photographs or videos taken during the class for promotional purposes.

By checking the box below, I indicate my understanding and agreement with the terms and conditions outlined in this waiver.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
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