Action for M.E. Supporting Member voting for Trustees 2024
Our Trustees ensure that the Board has the necessary skills to govern the charity effectively. Many of the Board have or have had ME; the majority of the rest have strong connections with ME, usually through a family member or close friend.

See for profiles of each candidate, who will be formally appointed subject to the votes of our Supporting Members, and cast your votes below.

Voting will close at 5pm on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Only those candidates who receive more ‘yes’ votes than ‘no’ votes will be re-appointed to the Action for M.E. Board of Trustees. Results will be announced at our online AGM on Friday 13 September 2024 - all are welcome to join us to hear about our services, support, campaigns and research.
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Your details
We ask for your full name, postcode, email address and (if you know it) your Action for M.E. Membership number, so we can ensure that only Supporting Members vote. We will only use this information to identify that a Supporting Membership is active in your name in order to validate your vote.
What's your full name? *
What's your postcode? *
What's your email address? Please put N/A if you don't have one. *
What's your membership number? Please skip this question if you don't have it to hand.
Your vote
Please indicate your vote for each and every candidate. Thank you. 
Jeff Banks *
Philip Courtney *
Shaun De Boo *
Julianne Devine *
Rollo Hope *
David Leigh *
Jonathan Manuel *
Notes for your information
  1. Only Supporting and Lifelong Members of Action for M.E. (known collectively as Supporting Membership) are eligible to vote in the election of new Trustees.
  2. Supporting Membership does not mean membership of Action for M.E. as a company limited by guarantee. The Trustees of Action for M.E. have resolved that those candidates who are endorsed by the Supporting Membership will be elected as Trustees by the members of Action for M.E. as a company law matter. Conversely, the Trustees have undertaken that those candidates who are not endorsed by the Supporting Membership will not be elected as Trustees by the members of Action for M.E.
  3. Any votes received from persons who are not part of the Supporting Membership or who cannot be identified by Action for M.E. as such shall be deemed invalid.
  4. An individual Supporting or Lifelong Member shall only be entitled to one vote for each candidate. Any further votes received from that individual shall be deemed invalid.
  5. All votes must be received by Action for M.E. on or before 5pm on Thursday 5 September 2024. Any votes received after this time will not be counted.
  6. A candidate shall be eligible for appointment or reappointment as a Trustee on and from Action for M.E.’s Annual General Meeting, Friday 13 September 2024, in the event that he or she receives more valid ‘yes’ votes than ‘no’ votes. Any ‘no preference’ votes or non-indicated votes shall be disregarded for these purposes.
  7. In the event of any dispute regarding this ballot or the voting process, the decision of the Board of Trustees of Action for M.E. shall be final and binding.
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