2025 AFN Call for Participation

The 2025 Appalachia Funders Network Gathering Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables, performances, and workshops that explore how philanthropy, in deep partnership with the communities it's members serve, can help usher in a future defined by cross-sector collaboration, civically engaged and vibrant communities, and strategic, thoughtful investment. The Annual Gathering, hosted in the historic Bristol, TN/VA, of “two cities, one place” fame, is likewise a fitting location for our theme of bridging. 

We welcome contributions that reflect the themes of bridging, transitions, traditions, and community, and that focus on the pivotal role philanthropy can play in ensuring Appalachia's future is rooted in justice and equity. Examples include but not limited to: Public/private partnerships & sectoral bridging, resilience and disaster preparedness, Indigenous stewardship, political bridging, bridging across geographies, and narrative reconciliation. 

Panels, workshops, and presentations showcasing innovative work and the responsive role of funders operating within deeply collaborative efforts are especially encouraged to apply.

Our Theme: 

Building Bridges: Tradition, Transition, and Transformation in Appalachia

In Appalachia, the historic infrastructure that once transported extracted resources beyond its borders now stands as a reminder of transitions past. Yet, the presentation of Appalachian culture to the broader world often contrasts sharply with the lived realities of its people. Appalachians are no strangers to transitions—indeed, they have navigated them for generations.

As we face the next Appalachian transition, a critical question arises: how do we ensure it is just? As our communities weathered historic storm Helene this past summer (the second of two major climate events in the past two years), see historic levels of federal funding entering our communities, and are witnessing the largest generational transfer of wealth underway, we must seize this moment to capture, retain, and deploy these investments in innovative and deeply collaborative ways.


December 12, 2024: Call for participation 

February 28, 2025:  Deadline for proposals 

March 10, 2025: Preliminary program

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Your First and Last Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Organization or Affiliation: *
I want to: *
Are you interested in sponsoring a panel/roundtable/artist or performer in residence, or any other programming?
Please List Any Co-Facilitator(s) (if applicable)
Session Title or Topic

Your session title and description will be shared in our event program and schedule. (Note: It's OK if you don't have the title just yet; we can help you think of one.)
Session Description: 

Tell us about your proposed session. This is the information you'd like attendees to see if they encounter your session on the schedule. How would you like to draw people in and get them excited about the session and its outcomes? (This is a draft for now - you will have an opportunity to finalize once we complete the schedule and program).
What is the purpose of your session, and/or what do you want participants to leave knowing or doing? *
Is this a funder only-session, or can practitioners in attendance also join the conversation?
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What format would you use for this session? *
How long  you anticipate your presentation being?
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Is there anything else you would like us to know, or do you have any additional questions?

Please use this space to respond, or reach out directly by emailing jfullen@appalachiafunders.org
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