State Officer Visit Evaluation
Hello! This its the Indiana FFA State Officer Evaluation Survey. Please be honest in your evaluation of the performance of the State Officer(s) at your event. This information will help State FFA Staff provide better feedback and training to the Indiana FFA State Officer Team.  Thank you very much for your time and support.
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Please provide the name(s) of the State Officer(s) that attended your event. *
Please list your FFA Chapter or Organization Name. *
Please select the type of function the State Officer(s) attended? *
What is your level of satisfaction of the interaction the State Officer(s) had with you leading up to the event? *
What is your level of satisfaction of the State Officer(s) performance during your event? *
Please provide any positive feedback based on the performance of the State Officer(s). *
Please provide opportunities for growth based on the performance of the State Officer(s).
Would you like to be contacted by Indiana FFA Staff to further discuss this evaluation?  *
If you would like to be contacted by Indiana FFA Staff to further discuss this evaluation please provide contact information. (phone and email address)
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