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Tremont Community Resilience Plan Feedback
This survey is intended to give those who live or work in Tremont the opportunity to share their perspective and shape the town's Community Resilience Plan, which will serve as a road map for preparing the community to navigate challenges and opportunities associated with climate change. Questions about this survey or the plan? Want to have a one-on-one conversation? Email
The creation of a Community Resilience Plan is funded through Maine's Community Resilience Partnership, and is a collaboration between the town of Tremont and A Climate to Thrive.
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What best describes your relationship to the town of Tremont?
Year-round resident
Seasonal resident
I work in Tremont
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Which village do you live in?
Your answer
What aspects of this community are vulnerable or do we see facing risks related to climate?
These can be impacts you've already observed or those you anticipate in the future.
Your answer
What are some aspects of this community that are pivotal to keeping it strong?
Your answer
What are your concerns about the plan and process? What questions do you want to make sure are asked & addressed during the creation of the Community Resilience Plan?
Your answer
Are there any specific concerns related to climate impacts you would like to see the plan address?
Your answer
How can Tremont's infrastructure become more resilient?
Your answer
How can Tremont protect our at-risk neighbors from hazards such as blackouts, extreme weather, and more?
Your answer
How can Tremont maintain a resilient economy?
Your answer
How can Tremont cultivate community leadership around climate impacts?
Your answer
What land use choices can make the town more resilient?
Your answer
What are your other concerns, hopes, or priorities as the Tremont community plans for a resilient future?
Your answer
Do you want to stay informed on future listening sessions and other opportunities to provide feedback? If so, include your email (none of your personal information will be attached to your responses).
Your answer
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! If you have any questions about this survey or want to have a one-on-one conversation, please reach out to
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