NAIOP Wisconsin Developing Leader of the Year Nomination

This annual award is presented to a Developing Leader member that goes above and beyond to promote the chapter to members, non-members, and the real estate industry; to actively participate and lead in chapter activities; and to positively represent NAIOP in their professional roles.

In addition to DL All Star Awards (based on performance awarded after 1, 3, and 5 years of completion), Developing Leaders may also submit an application for the NAIOP Wisconsin Developing Leader of the Year.  Candidates will be judged on the following criteria:

  • NAIOP Wisconsin DL All Star Status - candidates for DL of the Year must have achieved at least a third level All Star status by the time the award is presented (which may be after the time the application is submitted).

  • NAIOP Leadership - has the candidate served on a committee, served as a Chapter Committee Co-Chair, been a member of a NAIOP Corporate Forum, led a Chapter planning (event) subcommittee or (issue) task force, etc.

  • Professional Achievements.

  • Community Contributions.

For more information and details about individual awards, please visit
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Nominator's Name *
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Nominee's First/Last Name
Nominee's Business Name
Nominee's Contact Information (Phone and Email)
Please list nominee's NAIOP Wisconsin DL All Star Status (which years received). *
NAIOP Leadership - has the candidate served on a committee, served as a Chapter Committee Co-Chair, been a member of a NAIOP Corporate Forum, led a Chapter planning (event) subcommittee or (issue) task force, etc. *
Professional Achievements.   (Limit 250 words) *
Community Contributions. *
Please share additional information to support your nomination of this individual to be the NAIOP Wisconsin DL Member of the Year. (Limit 250 words) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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