CCYO Scholarship Application
Applications must be completed within four weeks of auditioning for CCYO. Applications must be fully completed with all appropriate forms uploaded to be considered.

Please note: The purpose of a financial aid award is to provide financial assistance for current CCYO members with demonstrated financial needs. These funds are reserved for members who have been admitted to CCYO for the current season and who commit to participate for the entire season.
Name *
Parent Email *
Address *
Phone number *
School *
Instrument *
Number of Years Playing Instrument *
Which CCYO Ensemble will you be participating in in 2019-2020? *
How many years have you participated in CCYO Ensembles? *
How many siblings do you have participating in CCYO Ensembles? *
Do you currently take lessons on your CCYO instrument? *
What is your total gross income of both parents as stated on line 6 of the 2018 Form 1040? *
Other Nontaxable Income? *
Total Family Income *
Total number of dependents *
Do you qualify for free or reduced lunch? *
What is your total estimated income for 2019? *
Do you agree to email your most recent income tax form to This will be required to process your application.
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