Simpocalypse: ALPHA v0.8(feedback)
Welcome to a short playtesting survey. Please give the most relevant and honest answers and forget about our feelings! :) We are currently still in Early Access stage, so a lot will still be improved. Give your say, together we can make a much better game. You can get the game on Steam here  - make sure to wishlist, to be notified of any updates or future discounts. Thanks in advance! :)
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Before we start with the Alpha Q&A, how would you describe yourself as a gamer? *
What was your first impression with the game? *
How did that impression change as you played? *
What was the most exciting/interesting thing about the game? *
Was there something you found frustrating? What exactly? *
How well do you think the game objectives (missions) and user interface guided you? *
What are the first three words you would use to describe the game? *
What would you like us to focus on the most urgently in the next version? (pick 3 things you think would help the game the most right now): *
Any other ideas, suggestions you'd like to see the game have added? *
While we will still be doing several big updates to the game, how would you rate it 1-5 in its current state? (where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best) *
If you got the game what would your honest review in a few sentences be? Don't be afraid to be harsh and honest, this helps us a lot! Thanks :) *
Would you be interested in participating in future testings? If so, please do let us know the best way to reach you (via email, social media,…? (..Or you can also join us on the Discord:  to get access to private playtests as well - coming soon!)... *
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