KSA Sailing 2024 Spring Boat Commissioning 

Hello Members!

Spring Boat Commissioning is a crucial period when Captains prepare their boats for the water, and Crew are there to assist with whatever is needed. It's an opportunity to forge new connections, acquire new skills, and support one another.

The period officially begins on Thursday, April 11, at our annual "Spring Commissioning Mixer" at The Brazen Tavern. Our Memorial Day Flotilla is right around the corner and we want to ensure everyone gets the help they need! 

Captains AND Crew, please fill out this form as soon as possible. We will make every effort to match Captains and Crew based on dates, locations, and skills. 


KSA Sailing


Event Heads and Contact:

Brendan Shyrer (203) 947-3857 | brendanshyrer@gmail.com
Peter Widland:  (917) 627-5347 | pwidland@gmail.com

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