朱耀偉教授講座報名表 Talk series by Professor Stephen Yiu-wai Chu

活動方式 Format:線上及實體參與。 Hybrid seminar (online and offline)

*活動將以國語進行。同步口譯會於Zoom meeting內提供,實體參與而需要口譯者,可帶備手提筆電及耳機,並連結Zoom會議收聽口譯。

*The lecture will be held in Mandarin. Interpretation will be provided via Zoom. For those who are in need but participate on-site, please do bring your laptops and earphones with you for interpretations.

(9/27 交大光復校區)會議連結 Zoom Link*:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83371048413?pwd=UUtxeVNXOCsrcFJwem5BUlAyTllNUT09

會議 ID:833 7104 8413


(10/2 陽明校區)會議連結 Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85093820410?pwd=ekJDYkwvS0xsMVZnbFZ6UHFZZ3RwZz09

會議 ID:850 9382 0410


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請問您欲報名哪一場講座?Which talk would you like to register?
所屬機構 Affiliation *
本次講座將提供口譯,請問您需要嗎?Interpretations will be available for talks in Chiao Tung and Yang Ming campuses. Do you need the service?  *
其他問題 Others:
如何前往國立陽明交通大學(交大光復校區)人社二館 Travel details to the Humanities and Social Sciences Building II (Chiao Tung Guangfu campus)

新竹市東區大學路1001號 No. 1001, Daxue Road, Eastern District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan


Public transport: Take bus 2 in Hsinchu train station and get off in NYCU main gate, 10-minute walk to HSS Building II

Drive: car park available in the campus
交大光復校區地圖 Map of NYCU Guangfu campus
如何前往國立陽明交通大學(陽明校區)圖書館 Travel details to the library (Yang Ming campus)
No. 155, Section 2, Linong Street, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan (The library is on the right hand side of the University main gate)

Public transport: Taipei MRT Shipai Station, 15-minute walk to the library
Drive: car park available next to the library
陽明校區地圖 Map of NYCU Yang Ming Campus
如何前往飛地書店?How to go to Nowhere Bookstore?
台北市萬華區中華路一段170-2號 No. 170-2號, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei City, 10846

靠近捷運西門站2號岀口 Near Taipei MRT Ximen Station exit 2
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