RILCA Talk:  India and its Diaspora 

Speaker: Dr Savita, Researcher at the Center for Documentation and Revitalization of Endangered Languages, RILCA
Date: 12 December 2024
Time : 13.30 - 15.30 BKK time  
Venue: Nat Pamornpravat Room, RILCA and Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 818 5526 9925
Passcode: rilca

Dr Savita is a researcher at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand with a strong background in South African foreign policy, Indian foreign policy, international relations and women's political participation. She holds a PhD in South Africa – United States of America relations, 1994-2016 and an MPhil in Kenya- United States of America Relations, 1998-2015 under the Supervision of Prof Jamal M Moosa. She has extensive teaching experience and sound academic background. She worked as Faculty, Department of Political Science, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Counsellor at Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, and Cultural Assistant at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, New Delhi. She presented her research papers in various international conferences, mainly in Paris, and Singapore and had a study trip to South Africa. She received an award from Rai Vyom Foundation, New Delhi for her contribution in the field of education.


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