Application for Tuition Reduction for Donations to a Partner Church
If your child/children is/are accepted in the Christian English School of Torino, you may qualify for a tuition reduction if you are regularly attending and donating to your church.  This tuition reduction is based on a minimum monthly donation to a church that is a Partner Church with the Christian English School of Torino.  Gifts to your CES-to Partner Church need to be associated with your name and not given anonymously, and your church leadership needs to confirm that you have given at least the minimum donations on a monthly basis.  If you change churches, it will be necessary to resubmit this application for approval.  If for any reason you discontinue your monthly donations to your CES-to Partner Church, any approval of this application for tuition assistance with CES-to will automatically be cancelled.

Only one Application for Tuition Reduction is required per family, even if multiple children are attending.

If you are unsure if your church is a Partner Church, please check the CES-to website under "Partners" then "Partnering Churches".  
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