Students sign up for NTU Second Mentor Project / 國際生第二導師申請表
Dear Students,

Warm Greetings from the Office of International Affairs.

Moving to another country can bring plenty of challenges to international students, and there are moments when you may feel lost at times. In order to assist you to adapt to life in Taiwan, NTUOIA has invited our faculty members, including Taiwanese, international and retired faculty members, to join the “Second Mentor Project for International Students”.

Your second Mentor will be the one who would help you simplify some obstacles in the process of settling in. It can be someone who shares your language and culture, someone with common interests and hobbies, or just someone who already knows the struggles of being “international” on the NTU campus. We hope you could find a friend among our faculty members, who you can reach when having a hard day, or needing a piece of advice.    

If you are interested please fill in the form. We will match you with the second mentor regularly. However, please note that it is on a first come first served basis. If you are not able to allocate for this semester, you will have priority for the next semester.  The second mentor project will serve as extra support to our current mentor system.

*You must be a current overseas degree student (iincluding internatinoal /overseas Chinese/Mainland Chinese students ) at NTU to be eligible to register for the program.

For more details please check our website: 

Best regards,
Office of International Affairs
National Taiwan University




第二導師專案與現有導師制度相輔相成,若你希望有第二導師可以協助指導你,敬請填覆線上問卷,我們會盡量為您和第二導師配對。我們會定期配對導生及導師 。謝謝!

*您必須要是境外學位生 (含國際學生、僑港澳生、陸生),且已完成註冊並在學才具備申請專案的資格,謝謝!


敬祝 學安

國立臺灣大學 國際事務處 敬上
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