TBD Title for Reparative Description Panel

We are planning a panel webinar highlighting the efforts of library workers to address and redress descriptive practice in new and existing controlled vocabularies.The panel will include speakers from the African American SACO Funnel, Lau Ā Lau Ka ʻIke project, RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Prejudicial Materials Working Group, and Chicano Thesaurus at University of California, Berkeley. To help guide the discussion, we are asking for your questions in advance (right now, in fact!).
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What is your first question for the panel? (If you have a qusetion for a specific panelist, please preface the question with the name of their group)
What is your second question for the panel? (If you have a qusetion for a specific panelist, please preface the question with the name of their group)
What is your third question for the panel? (If you have a question for a specific panelist, please preface the question with the name of their group)
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