Contact information
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Email *
Which Theatretrain School would you like to join? *
Child's Full Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Child's Sex *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Child's Address *
PostCode *
Telephone Number *
Mobile *
E-mail Address *
Which full time school does your child attend? *
Emergency Contact Details. Please provide more than one answer *
Does your child have any medical issues/allergies that we should be aware of? Please give details. *
Do we have your permission to seek medical advice/treatment in an emergency? *
Please tick to confirm that this information can be stored so that we can generate attendance registers and send you new term information etc as soon as we're able *
• I give permission for my child to be photographed and filmed during any Theatretrain activity as a teaching aid and for promotional material.     • I understand that the nature of the Performing Arts means that the photographing and filming of my child may be a regular occurrence and that these images may be stored or filed. • I agree to my child representing themselves as a member of the Theatretrain team in any newspaper or television articles and agree to the publication of their image and their name in such articles.  • I agree that at any time, should I wish for my child not to participate in activities which will be filmed or photographed, I will provide Theatretrain with a written request.         *
Terms and Conditions (not applicable for After School Clubs)
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions *
Where did you hear about Theatretrain? *
Please type your full name to confirm that the above information is correct *
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