YIA Ski/Snowboard Trip on March 7
We're headed to Caberfae Peaks!  We'll leave at 7am on March 7 and return to the church around 8:30pm.  

The cost for skiers is $35 and includes your lift ticket, ski and helmet rental, van rental and lunch (hot dogs/chili dogs).  The only thing you'll need money for is a fast food dinner on the return.  For snowboarders who bring their own equipment, it's the same deal -- $35 for all the above.  If you want to snowboard but need to rent the equipment, the total cost is $40.

You MUST register by filling out this form by Sunday, February 23 and pay by check, cash or M3.  (If you're unsure of your M3 balance, please call the office.)
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Correo *
Student Name *
1.  I am planning to *
I consider myself to be a __________ skier. *
My shoe size is _________.
My weight is__________ (note: this is used to set bindings)
My height in inches is _______.
I am _____ years old.
A beginners skiing lesson is included in the cost if you are 15 years old or younger.  If you are eligible, would you like to sign up?
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A beginners snowboard lesson is included in the cost if you are 15 years old or younger.  If you are eligible, would you like to sign up?
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SNOWBOARDERS ONLY:  which foot do you lead with?
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