Power Move - summer challenge feedback

Thank you for being a part of the Power Move summer challenge.

We'd welcome your feedback on the summer challenge and have a few questions for you  

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete, your thoughts and views will help us make improvements to future challenges.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Why did you take part in the Power Move summer challenge?
How easy was it to sign up to Power Move?
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Please explain your answer.
Were you successful in hitting the Power Move target during the summer challenge?
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How easy was it for you to adapt your normal routine to meet the Power Move target?
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What habits did you change to reach the Power Move target?
Would you continue to take part in Power Move?
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Please explain why you would or wouldn't continue to take part in Power Move.
To help us group your answers together with similar households, please tell us how many people normally live in your home Monday to Friday  (select the correct number for each category)
4 or more
Adults aged 75 and over
Adults aged 18 to 74
Teenagers aged 13 to 17
Children aged 5 to 12
Children aged under 5
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Thank you for taking part in this survey.
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