Teen Book Box Sign-Up
Sign up for your Teen Book Box by completing the form below.  Teens who sign up will be given a box filled with snacks and surprises and - of course! - a great book.  

Sign up before the 15th of this month to receive your box on the 1st of the following month!  A new sign-up is required each month.
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
Library Card Number *
This number can be found on the back of your library card, right underneath the barcode.  Please include the word "CAFE" at the beginning of this number.  You MUST have your own library card to check out books or other items such as this subscription box.  If you don't have a library card, or think you have lost yours, please visit the library with a parent/guardian as soon as possible to sign up for a new library card.
Email Address *
All communications about this service will be done via email.  Please list an email address that is checked frequently.
What books have you read and enjoyed recently?  List up to three books.
What genre(s) are you most interested in reading this month?  Select up to three.
When you visit the library, which section do you usually visit to find your books?
Anything else we need to know about your interests or reading tastes?
Do you have any dietary restrictions?  We don't want to give you a snack that you can't eat!
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