Fill the Stable Project
During Advent, the congregation at KUMC prepares our hearts for the Christ child by remembering that Christmas is not our birthday but Jesus' birthday. Every year we have a “Fill the Stable” mission focus for Advent to reorient our giving in this season toward others in Jesus’ name. In honor or memory of a loved one, you can purchase an animal or a share of an animal through Heifer International to help “fill the stable” for Christmas Eve.

Heifer gives livestock and training to people around the world, following up on how they are doing, and transforming communities in the process. The most beautiful of the Heifer principles is called “Passing on the Gift.” After their projects are established, families that received resources from Heifer pass on these gifts to other families in need in their community, allowing them to help others as they have been helped.

Please select your animal donation option below and fill in the name of your loved one below.  You will be given Payment Options and Honor Card options after you fill out this form.

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Learn more about Passing on the Gift!
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Name of Person in Honor or Memory *
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