2021「無限亮」工作坊系列問卷 “No Limits” Workshop Series Survey
感謝閣下參與「無限亮」工作坊。 我們誠邀閣下填寫以下問卷,以協助我們將來為「無限亮」觀眾帶來更好的體驗。
Thank you for participating in "No Limits" Workshop Series. To provide a better experience for "No Limits" audiences in the future, we sincerely request your participation in this brief survey.

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
這份問卷觀賞/参與之節目 The Programme I attended *
共融藝術令我更欣賞 (appreciate) 不同能力人士。Inclusive arts help me to appreciate people with different abilities better. *
是次工作坊讓我理解更多共融藝術演出的知識。 Through this workshop, I have improved my knowledge of inclusive performances. *
整體而言,我滿意是次工作坊的經驗。In general, I am satisfied with the experience of this workshop. *
性別 Gender
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教育程度 Education
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini Hong Kong Arts Festival. Informa d'un ús abusiu