Registration for the Online meeting "Experience of Working with Forced Migrants: Estonia"
The Democratic Initiatives Incubator invites you to participate in the online meeting "Experience of Working with Forced Migrants: Estonia". The event is held for those who are interested in the topic and work or reside in Eastern Partnership countries and is a part of a series of meetings dedicated to the experience of working with forced migrants (internally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers) from different countries.

November 1, 2022 at 14:00 Kyiv time (Kyiv, Chisinau, Minsk: 14:00; Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi: 16:00). Duration – 90 minutes.

Online meeting on the Zoom platform.

Who are we inviting?
All people interested in the topic, and especially those who work in the field of civic education. The language of the event is English.

• You will learn:
o experience of Estonia in working with forced migrants;
o what support in integration and education is provided to forced migrants from Ukraine due to the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine;
o best practices of Estonian organizations and activists in work and interaction with forced migrants.
• Get to know colleagues in the Eastern Partnership countries.
• You will receive a certificate confirming your participation.

Who host?
Speaker - Julia Stolberova, a lawyer by education, has an additional specialty in special pedagogy, work experience in a vocational education center, as a trainer at the international level on the issues of inclusion, the mother of a child with special needs. Julia is a founder of the NGO "Special World" and "Vivere school". Julia is a nominee for the Citizens' Day badge; nominee from the Estonia President's Order, Awarded the Tallinn City Social Work Award 2019.
Moderator - Nazarii Boiarskyi, Democratic Initiatives Incubator NGO, member of the Trainers' Pool of the Council of Europe, independent expert of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE).

How to participate?
Before November 1, kindly fill out a short questionnaire: After registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about entering the platform. Facebook meeting event: Join us!

If you have any questions or need any advice, write to us:

The online meeting is organized by the NGO "Democratic Initiatives Incubator" (Ukraine) within the framework of the project "The response of citizenship education to the challenges of forced migration", which is implemented by the Working group of the EENCE Network "Citizenship Education and Forced Migration" supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office, Germany.
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