Start your Podcast. Make an impact.
Thank you so much for taking the time and completing this survey. I want to make this programme even better for future students.

Thank you for helping me to do so.

It’s been my honour to guide you through starting your Podcast with impact and I am incredibly proud that you have made it!

Now it's time for you to share how you experienced this journey.
If you leave your contact details, full name and Podcast details I will give you a thank you shout out on an upcoming episode of OFF THE RECORD Podcast as well!

Thank you for your feedback.
All best, Regina
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First name | Last Name
Name of your Podcast & Link(s) where to find it
Where in the world are you?
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How long did it take you to complete the course?
How satisfied are you with the learning videos of this course?
If you are not or only somewhat satisfied, what could I improve?
If you were very satisfied, what did you enjoy most about them?
How satisfied are you with the additional resources (Templates, Checklists)?
If you are not satisfied, what could I improve?
How satisfied were you with the online learning platform?
If you are not or only somewhat satisfied, what could I improve?
How satisfied were you with the workbook?
If you joined the VIP-Programme including 1:1 Mentorship: How useful where the Mentorship Sessions?
Selectie wissen
If they were only somewhat or not useful, what could I do differently to make them more impactful for future students?
If the Mentorship Sessions were very useful, what did you enjoy most about them?
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